Gordon's Alive

Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body!

About Us

Our History

Started in October 2003 to track our travels around the world and other adventures.

Originally contained a PHPBB2 forum and photos. Now continues tracking the Gordons' alive statuses, and as a test bed to prove the state of aliveness of various Gordons' varied software mini projects...

Some thoughts...

The real question is not what happens to us after we die, but what happened to us before we were born?

Anon, Unknown

One must be clever and successful - but, the world better for our existance and people happier for knowning us; For, anyone can succeed if they don't care how they do it, but then we cannot prove our worth by proving ourselves worthless.

Anon, Unkown

Facts At a Glance

October 2003
Alive status
Also all alive...

The Architect

Currently working on Groovy scripts to populate a DB2 database from empty, to provide data for automated testing on a system comprised of an new Angular front end and Scala business logic tier over a very large legacy system. Also working on the automated testing standards, framework and infrastructure (written using Cucumber, Scala and Java), including radiators to display up to date test statuses (tests are run on Jenkins, radiator app is written using JavaScript and Node). Applications are stored in GIT repositories on BitBucket;

Established a programme of improvements, starting with a survey across the company and then set up of projects and a process for ongoing review of the improvements list.

Developed automated deployment process for the Delphi applications, including changes to applications to remove bespoke implementations and continuous integration of Delphi applications using Jenkins and SVN;

Developed a new standard/process for developer testing.

Managed 6 teams (2 Delphi applications teams, 2 Java web and transaction services teams, implementation team and client reporting team) - 80 people approx. at peak including contractors. This period included the successful onboarding of the business's largest client to date.

Managing team members and small projects;

Managing functionality and design of Delphi applications;

Recruited, trained and supported graduates and experienced developers into the team;

Oversaw refactoring of a critical part of system to remove contention.

Worked on a number of developments with the Delphi applications

Technical Lead and Architect on a project to replace the timetabling system for London Underground. Introduced continuous integration and automated testing.

Took over lead of Timetable Editor product.

Worked on Timetable Editor including improvements to grids, UI, stability and performance.

Delphi client and multi-tier applications.

4GL and c programmer on RDBMS system;

Major developments: Euro conversion, multi-language, multi-currency and Y2K.

When What Where Notes
1992 - 1995 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering BEng Hons (2.2) University of Southampton 3rd Year project: “Designing an Expert System for Corrosion Failure Analysis”. Written in Visual Basic. Also 2 units in Pascal, 2 units in C.
1990 - 1992 A Levels Saint Francis Xavier 6th Form College, London 3 A Levels: Maths (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (B)
Other training

Full Stack Web Development (Coursera, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).

Management Training (2012-2015).

Scala Coursera: Functional Programming Principles in Scala (July 2014).

Java SE 7 Programmer I (April 2014).

ISEB Software Testing (May 2011).

Appraisal for Team Leaders (September 2010).

Communication Coaching Skills (July 2010).

Effective Project Management (July 2010).

IOC Stockbroking Certificate (December 2009).

TAP Certificate in Training Delivery Skills (August 2009).

Team Leaders Course (2005).

ITIL Foundations (2005).

UML for Software Design (2005).

Facts & Figures - a stripy table...

  2003 ? ?
? website established ? ?
? basic phpBB2 forum ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?